About Us
Our Team
Andy Batkin, CEO, Social Summits, LLC
The Social TV Summits are organized by digital and social media expert, Andy Batkin.
Social TV Summit focuses on the use of technologies that allow a viewer to interact, socialize, search, share and purchase around content they are watching on TV, or online, with one screen or a second screen like a laptop, tablet or smart phone. In addition, Andy created the Social TV Awards, with a successful launch on July 17, 2012, that rewarded excellence in the fast growing Social TV space.
Mr. Batkin provides strategic consulting to corporations and offers clients digital media, social media, social commerce, interactive marketing, business planning and development services with a focus on revenue generation as well as creating innovative and effective strategies and business models tailored to meet the clients specific goals and objectives. From 1995 to 1997 Andy developed the business model for YAHOO! and also was the media rep for the first two years of YAHOOs young life, building over 1700 sales relationships. Mr. Batkin had similar relationships with Netscape, ZDNet, Playboy, Lycos and created SuperBowl.com for the National Football League.
Andy has over 12 years experience organizing high level executive conferences such as: The Conference on Interactive Marketing, Camp Internet, the Variety Interactive Summit, Digitrends Media Buyers Summit and Digitrends Brand Summit. He has successfully guided the formation of the interactive telephone business in the 80s and the internet in the 90s thru the new millennium, by providing great forums for high level executives to meet, network and conduct business. He is now focused on helping build the Social TV and Social commerce business into a major success.
Mr. Batkin is recognized as one of the founders of the interactive industry back in 1983, and has over 30 years of experience in creating innovative integrated marketing, digital media, social media and promotional campaigns for Fortune 500 and Entertainment companies such as: Anheuser-Busch, BASF, CBS, NBC, FOX, Coca-Cola, Walt Disney, Sprint, TaylorMade-adidas, Toyota, the NFL; and Internet Media companies such as: YAHOO!, Netscape, Lycos, ZDNet, Sportsline, BarnersandNoble.com and 24/7 RealMedia.